Cherry Wong Photo Exhibition at Canon Pro Solution Hub February - April 2016

January 28, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Cherry Wong Portoflio - CherryCherry Wong Portoflio - CherryImage captured in Paris, France, in 2016.

Undress The City photo exhibition

Address: Canon Pro Solution Hub, 17/F, 26 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Dates: 4 February - 17 April 2016

Time: 10.30-18.30

The day has come! The best news so far in 2016 is when Canon Hong Kong called me and told me that they want to put up my photos in their gallery and I will have a solo show. WHAT? Yes, Canon Hong Kong!

The show will be showing portraits I took for myself in 2014 and 2015.  It may be a bit of surprise to everyone that I had never had portraits of myself until 2014.  I always thought, I am not ___(you fill the blank)___ enough.  I am not that self-absorbed to need pictures of myself.  I know, it's shocking how negative self-talk sounds like.  Those are words I would never tell anyone, yet I told myself.  When I decided to change the my internal discourse, I challenged myself to do things that scare me, a solo trip to Europe and taking portraits of myself.  That is the first time I realised it is not being self-absorbed to see my own beauty.  How can one who is so uncomfortable to the way she looks, see the true beauty of others?  That was how I started creating my self-portraits in 2014.  When I went back to Europe in 2015, I wanted some pictures for my portfolio, and I wanted to travel, so I created another series.  This time, I started to really love doing portraits, how fun it is to dress up and walk through these beautiful cities.

I tend to say a lot, so I will end the blog here and invite you to come to the show.  Please email me for information on the artist sharing session with Canon, I would love to see you there!


Undress the City, a photography exhibition by photographer Cherry Wong.


Undress the City contains images created in 2014 and 2015 in Paris, Rome, Florence, Milan and Montepulciano.  These works also reveal the influence of the glamorous and romantic movies of Hollywood’s Golden Age.


The images created in 2014 and 2015 serve different purposes.  The 2014 set was not intended to be shown to the public.  Those images were created for self-discovery. In 2014, Cherry realised that not only had she never taken self portraits, she had also developed a fear of photography. She was crippled by the fear of creating “bad images”. So that year Cherry decided to explore Europe with only herself and her camera, as marriage therapy between her and her once beloved. photography. Cherry, as a client, wanted some portraits of herself, and she happened to be her own photographer.

The 2015 set was created as a portfolio series for submission to fashion magazines. The original plan was to work with local models and makeup artists and create images of women moving through different cities, but with time constraints, Cherry became the most convenient model she to work with. This time, Cherry, as a photographer, wanted a new portfolio, and she happened to be her model.


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